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SET stands for your Senior Education and Training Plan. In year 10, the school will work with you to plan your subject choice for your senior years, based on your interests, skills and post-school goals; this will be recorded as your SET Plan.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to have all the answers right now. Half the adults you know probably don’t have the answers either. Your SET Plan is not a test and there are no wrong answers.

Remember, it’s not set in stone.

Your SET plan is not signing away your future. The plan is your way of making senior years work best for you. Building on what you’ve already learned through primary and junior secondary, years 11 and 12 give you the ability to tailor your studies and explore your options. It’s not set in stone, and you can change if you need to, but swapping and changing can be difficult. It can be helpful to think about what interests you, what you can succeed in and what will be useful for you after school.

What are my options?

Each school will offer a range of different elective options including various subjects as well as vocational education and training (certificates, traineeships and apprenticeships) you can chose to complete while finishing your schooling. It’s best to chat with your school or with older students to know what is offered at your school.

ATAR or non-ATAR

The electives on offer will either be ATAR or non-ATAR subjects. To get an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) – previously an OP (Overall Position ranking) – you will need to complete a minimum number of ATAR subjects, and this ranking can be considered in applying for certain university courses. Don’t forget, an ATAR is not the only way to enrol in university.

What if I want to change?

SET stands for your Senior Education and Training Plan. In year 10, the school will work with you to plan your subject choice for your senior years, based on your interests, skills and post-school goals; this will be recorded as your SET Plan.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to have all the answers right now. Half the adults you know probably don’t have the answers either. Your SET Plan is not a test and there are no wrong answers.

It’s your plan! Find out more about SET planning on the Education QLD page.