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It’s helping you more than you know.

The hours you’re spending on doing what you love are more valuable than you might realise. Gaming, sport, art, dance, mechanics; whatever you’re into, it can help you get more out of life, do better in school, get a job and most important – you’ll enjoy it. Legit, here’s how it works.

You’re learning to take the hits

All that time on your hobby isn’t spent in constant wins. There are small and major set-backs, but with each trial and error, you’re going to find a new way to make it work ’cause it’s worth the effort. Trying again and again until you reach the next level, practicing until you nail that move or trick, figuring out a different way around when you hit a dead end – it’s all helping you learn how to take on the world. Perseverance is a skill that you will use for the rest of your life.

You’ve got skills

If you’re spending time doing it, you’re developing skills and that works for you on so many levels. Your skills could lead you into further education, training or employment sure, but it’s more than that. In building up skills, you’re practicing how to learn – how to persevere and learn from mistakes. How to find enjoyment in something that challenges you – the same skills you need to learn anything else. The more you learn in the areas you love, the more you can use that to help you apply yourself to other areas too.

You’re motivated

It’s worth the effort to get there, get it right, get it happening. When you find something – anything – that motivates you, you can use it to help you take on less motivating things too. Find a way to draw a link between the two, so that the boring task becomes a step in the right direction, or you can even learn to apply the same effort to something else that’s maybe not as fun, but you know is worth your while.

You’re making it yours

Doing the things you enjoy and are good at help you build a better sense of who you are. Knowing your interests and skills can be a huge help when you start making decisions for further study, training or employment. There are heaps of jobs out there that you might not even know exist, by using your interests and skill areas as a starting point to explore, you’re more likely to find something you enjoy too.