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When you have the time to look back on things, they’re always clearer and you get great perspective; hindsight right? However, when you’re in school, you can’t look back, because you’re in the middle of going through the process.

What we can do is learn from others who have been there. So, we asked three recent graduates to share the things they’d have done differently. Take a look!

Jasper's Experience

Jasper’s Experience

Sai's Experience

Sai’s Experience

What do you wish you did differently in high school? – Jasper

Super: What do you wish you did differently at high school?

Jasper VO: I wish I didn’t take things so seriously. Looking back I was so stressed about externals. Now that I’m working full-time, I am just realising how good school was. I wish I enjoyed it more. At the end of the day, school does matter – but there’s more to life than high school exams.

Super: Tip: Keep calm, enjoy the experience.

What do you wish you did differently in high school? – Sai

Super: What do you wish you did differently at high school?

Sai VO: The apprenticeship that I’m in now, boilermaking. It does require a lot of maths. And it’s maths that I did learn in school. We use Pythagoras theorem in our trade. I think it was grade nine when we started learning it, and I was like, ‘When am I ever going to use this?’ and I wished I put more effort into learning because now I have to do all the revision. It’s like, man, I regret that.

Super: Takeaway: You’ll never know when a learning will become helpful in life.