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School is back even though it’s not quite the same as it was before.

You may be worrying about how the disruption to schooling may impact your future plans, whether it be for study, training, employment, or even a gap year.

Don’t worry. There will be a plan for everyone – thousands of you are in the same position as you, so focus on what you can control while you wait for further information.

Your teachers are committed to making sure you can keep learning – maybe in ways you haven’t done before.

Grade 12 student Abby says: “It’s a bit sad as I don’t even know if my Formal or Schoolies will be on.

“It’s so fun looking forward to things and planning them, but it’s been hard to do that because I don’t know if it’s even going to happen.

“I don’t totally love school, don’t get me wrong, but I did miss seeing my friends everyday – school’s pretty chill when I think about it,” Abby says.

“And weirdly, I actually missed the routine; so I’ve definitely found some more positives about school” she says.

And we know that school isn’t quite ‘normal’ yet, so if you’re feeling sad about all the unknowns, stay connected to your friends. Maybe ring them and have a conversation rather than just texting.

Concerned about how your final assessments and exit scores will work?

Just focus on what you can control for now and rest assured, as soon as there is a plan, you will know about it, and help will be there if you need it. All you need to do is ask.

worried about year 12? Remember we are all in this together.

If you think you need help now, or even just want to have a conversation