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School holidays are a time for chilling – sleeping in, watching Netflix and eating whatever you can find in the cupboard.

But holidays are also a good time to think and plan about going back to school, so why not spend just an hour?

With school being so busy, it’s hard to find the headspace to think of new ways to get things done or work out what might be bothering you.

So, during holidays is the perfect time to get your head back in the game, so you are ready for the next term.

There are no right or wrong ways to do it because everyone is different.

These 7 hacks might help for going back to school:

Hot tip: Writing to-do lists is a great way to help accomplish your tasks or goals. Start by writing down the answers to each step and then saving them as notes to your phone or an app—whatever works for you.

Think of a quiet place to sit and reflect, by yourself, where you won’t be interrupted.

Hack 1

Dream big—If you could have whatever you wanted from school, what would it be? (Eg—finish Grade 12, get a job so I can pay bills)

Hack 2

What things should I keep doing that work well for me? (Eg—go to every class, ask questions when I don’t understand something)

Hack 3

What things should I stop doing that don’t work well for me? (Eg—going to bed late, hanging out with people that aren’t good for me)

Hack 4

What things should I start doing that I don’t currently do? (Eg—go for a walk, start a hobby)

Hack 5

How will I make this plan work? (Eg—set the alarm for the same time to go to bed each night)

Hack 6

Who can help me? (Eg—is there anyone who can help kick start your plan; friends, family or a close family friend?) You can get support here.

Hack 7

Finally, set your goals for the next term—make them realistic. (Maybe about 5 of them-be as specific as you need to be)

a list of holiday hacks to get school ready and prepare for the next school term

Do things differently