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There’s no doubt that school has been a bit different lately. And when we say lately, we mean since this whole pandemic started.

There’s been a whole bunch of changes impacting the way classes are being delivered, one of the big ones being online learning.

There’s been teachers and other students absent due to self-isolation. Maybe you’ve even had to take some time away from school because someone in your family needed to quarantine.

With all the uncertainty and changes on a regular basis, when it comes to school, you may have thought from time to time, ‘does any of this matter anyway?’.

Along with those thoughts, you might have been feeling tempted to let school slide and have a few sick days yourself…

If that hits close to home, here’s five big reasons to keep sticking at it and show up to school, whether it’s face-to-face or online.

What It Feels Like To Achieve Goals MEME

1. Achieving your potential

Every time you show up to school, you’re getting closer to achieving your potential. The more you learn, the more you can grow and make yourself ready to go after the things you want in life. And we don’t just mean the things you learn out of a textbook. You’ll learn heaps of valuable social skills and critical thinking skills that can help you out in a range of different ways in life.

2. Seeing your friends

Skipping school means skipping out on the chance to see and chat with your mates – don’t leave them hanging!

When Your Friend Walks Past MEME
I Freaking Love Learning MEME

3. More opportunities to learn things

Sure, when you go to school there’s the class content to learn, but there’s heaps of other learning opportunities as well. There’s new social settings to challenge yourself in, there’s the tech skills you pick up when you’re working online, not to mention your video calling abilities!

4. Being part of a community

After so much time at home and being away from other people, it’s nice to refresh your company. Remember, all your classmates are in the same boat; it feels good to know you are not alone and you’re getting through the challenges of schooling during a pandemic together.

Finally A Member Of The Group MEME
Challenge Accepted MEME

5. A little challenge can mean less stress

You might be thinking that skipping class equals more time to chill and avoid the stuff that feels hard. Unfortunately, the stuff that happens at school is going to be waiting for you when you return, and you’ll be playing catchup if you don’t want to risk falling behind on exams or assignments. So play it safe, and keep on top of the work.

For more reasons why it’s important to keep going to school, every day, check out Every Day Counts.

If you’re feeling anxious about the idea of going to school, whether face-to-face or online, we recommend speaking to your teachers or your school guidance officer to get their thoughts and support. Additionally, you can check out our get support page to find others who are ready to listen to what’s on your mind.