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There’s no one right way to learn. Each of us have certain preferences and ways that we take in and process information. Take our quiz to see what type of learning you gravitate towards. Plus, get some great tips to support your next assignment or exam block!

Count the number of times you answer A, B or C to the following questions.
1. What kind of book would you like to read for fun?

A) One with a bunch of pictures (like a graphic novel, comics, magazines)

B) One with mostly words (novels, biographies, text books)

C) One with lots of word searches, crosswords, or puzzles

2. When you are not sure how to spell a word, what are you most likely to do?

A) Check if it looks right by writing it out

B) Check if it sounds right by spelling it out loud

C) Check if it feels right by tracing it in the air

3. When you see the word “cat,” what do you do first?

A) Imagine a cat in your mind

B) Say the word cat to yourself

C) Think about spending time with a cat

4. What’s the best way for you to study for a test?

A) Read your written notes and go over charts and graphs

B) Get a friend or study partner to ask you questions and answer out loud

C) Make up flash cards or quick hacks to help you remember

5. What’s the best way for you to learn about how something works (like an art technique or a video game)?

A) Have someone demonstrate it to you

B) Read about it or listen to someone explain it

C) Figure it out on your own

6. What do you find most distracting when you are trying to study?

A) People walking past your desk

B) Loud or repetitive noises

C) Not feeling comfortable in your space (too cold, hot, bad chair)

7. Of these three subjects, which is your favourite?

A) I love art classes

B) Music is my favourite subject

C) That’s easy, sports and PE

8. When you hear a song on the radio, what are you most likely to do?

A) Picture the film clip or album art that goes along with it

B) Start singing or humming along with the artist

C) Begin dancing or tapping your hands and feet

9. What do you like to do to relax?

A) Reading is my favourite way to unwind

B) Losing myself in my music

C) Getting outside for a walk or playing sports

10. Which would you rather go to with your friends?

A) Go and see a movie

B) Go to a concert or swap playlists

C) Do an activity like an amusement park or play sports

Now, what letter did you answer the most! If you’re an even-ish split make sure to read all three types of learning styles.

Mostly A’s – You may prefer visual learning!

Your study super skill: More visual-based learning techniques are a great fit for you! Students who can remember information by either reading or seeing pictures, retain information through study techniques that are primarily visual.

How you focus best: When trying to bring something to mind, try closing your eyes to remember it. Unlike auditory and tactile learners that can be helped by stimulus, you work best when there are no distractions during study time.

Best study tips:

  • Use highlighters and colour code your notes.
  • You may like to try drawing images or charts to help understand new concepts.
  • Writing your notes and re-reading them is a great technique for visual learners, you could also try this with flash cards.

Finally, remember that it is best when you have time to focus through reading information rather than just hearing it. Experiment with different techniques to see the ones that work best for you!

Mostly B’s –You learn better through listening!

Your study super skill: You may find you remember information better from things you have heard. Listening to spoken instructions rather than written instructions may be helpful for you.

How you focus best: When at home try humming as you study. If you’re in a library or don’t want to disturb others, even some soft music in your headphones can help you concentrate.

Best study tips:

  • Learn new materials by reading the materials to yourself out loud.
  • Record your notes and play them back on your phone.
  • Proofread your written assignments by reading them out. If something sounds funny, or slightly off, revisit it.
  • Record your notes and play them back on your phone.

And remember that it’s best for you to not just see information but to really hear it. Play around with both to find tips and tricks that help you study smarter.

Mostly C’s – You like to take in information by doing and touching!

Your study super skill: For you, touch, movement, building, and drawing are just some of the “hands-on” ways that can help you learn a new skill or subject.

How you focus best: It’s best to take active breaks throughout the day. Make sure to walk around in your lunch or study breaks and recharge with some exercise or play.

Best study tips:
  • Don’t be afraid to quietly tap a pencil or your foot, or tinker with something in your hands during class – it’ll help keep your body moving and mind clear.
  • Record your notes and then listen to them on a walk.
  • Typing on a computer can help you retain information as the tapping plays to your love of learning through touch. 
  • Write notes on cards that you can physically pick up and touch.

Finally, remember that although you have a preference for certain ways of learning, you can still benefit from all different techniques. Roll up your sleeves and explore lots of options to find the best hacks for you.